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PAT Testing Services for Business

As a business and employer, you have a duty to prevent any harm coming to your employees and customers. A PAT testing (Portable appliance testing) is one of the ways that you can comply with this obligation. Failure to implement a programme of regular appliance testing can also have implications for your insurance policy should an electrical related injury claim be made.

Employers responsibility

Electricity at work regulations 1989 Regulation 4 (2) As may be necessary to prevent danger all systems shall be maintained so as to prevent so far as is reasonably practicable such danger.To meet the requirements of the 1989 Electricity at work regulations, it is widely regarded to be necessary to implement a programme of planned inspection and testing of portable appliances.In the Health & Safety At Work Act 1974, all employers have a legal duty to provide safe plant and equipment and every employer must ensure that equipment must be maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and good repair.

PAT Testing for Landlords

As a landlord, you have a duty to prevent harm to your tenants from electrical appliances that you supply. Portable appliance testing is widely regarded as being the best way of complying with this obligation. Without a programme of planned appliance testing and maintenance, you could be legally liable for damages resulting from your untested appliances. This covers all portable appliances that you supply, including fridges and freezers, microwave ovens televisions and vacuum cleaners.

The regulations on electrical appliances for landlords and letting agents

The Housing Act 2004 (England and Wales) provides for a safe and healthy environment for any potential occupiers, or visitors, from an electrical perspective this includes portable electric equipment. The condition of associated leads and plugs of portable appliances should also be taken into account in the assessment if they are provided as part of a rented dwelling. Portable Appliance Testing is one way of ensuring equipment is safe for continued use. Guidance from Communities and Local Government (CLG) indicates that when accommodation is re-let, the electrical appliances will be classed as being supplied to that tenant for the first time, and should therefore be re-checked. The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994, mandatory since 1 January 1997, state that all electrical appliances supplied with let accommodation must be safe. This applies to both new and second-hand appliances and covers all electrical items supplied for the intended use of the Tenant. The only sure method of ensuring that these appliances are safe is to have them tested by a trained competent person using the appropriate calibrated portable appliance testing equipment. You can find out about the Acts and Regulations that may affect you on our information page.

Examples of safety concerns discovered on inspection:
  • Loose damaged wires in plugs resulting in lack of earthing with potential to harm.
  • Incorrect fuse sizes placed in plugs which could have resulted in damage to very sensitive IT equipent.
  • Lack of training on user checks to be performed by staff in office locations which could have picked up faulty equipment.
  • Sockets being overloaded under tables which could cause fire.