Sales 07999 590771

Office 01642 294416

Email [email protected]

We cover postcodes TS-DL-DH-SR

Helping you control your assets

As part of the PAT testing process, we can help you to implement a system to keep track of your portable appliances. This system provides you with information on the number of appliances you have, their location and their test status.

This can be done by location, asset number or test date. When we retest your appliances we can tell you their new locations and if any items have not been retested. You can then check to see if they have been disposed of or are missing.

This enables you to manage your appliances with the minimum amount of disruption to you, your company and your employees. Instead of being given a simple Pass or Fail label at the end of the PAT testing process, your appliances will be given a unique asset label.

A list of your appliances can be supplied as computer data and in hard copy to suit your needs.

We can also supply much more detailed information if requred.

Appliance records can be supplied in Microsoft Access or Excel compatible files, or contact us if you would like them in another format to discuss options.